Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Agenda October 26th

1. Keynotes TSB
2. Newspaper article handout
3. Please go to this link on parts of speech. Do two exercises that you think you need the most help on.
4. Please do this horror reading fact quiz below (if you dare). Optional.
5. Introduction to research project.
6. Friday: Next class: quiz over parts of speech, papers due and you will work on research projects.

Looking ahead:
Next week: Tuesday: NWEA please bring charged laptops. Research project due November 4th. Grade is for second quarter.

Horror Books Quiz
Sponsored by SPHS Library 
1. What car is Stephen King’s Christine?
a. Ford Galaxy
b. Ford Thunderbird
c. Chevrolet Capri
d. Plymouth Fury
2. What is the single word uttered by the sinister bird in Edgar Allan Poe’s 1845 poem The Raven?
a. Death
b. Goodnight
c. Farewell
d. Nevermore
3. In the classic 1902 short story, what object passes on its terrible curse through the granting of three wishes?
a. A rabbit’s foot
b. An oil lamp
c. A monkey’s paw
d. A mirror
4. William Peter Blatty’s novel, The Exorcist (1971) is based on real-life events. In which country and which year did the real exorcism take place?
a. Sienna, Italy 1912
b. Garden City, MD, USA 1949
c. Mexico City, Mexico 1963
d. Toronto, Canada 1937
5. Name the novel by Stephen King in which a deranged father tries to kill his own son in a snowbound hotel.
a. The Shining
b. Misery
c. Carrie
d. Cujo

6. Which theme is common to Edgar Allan Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” and “The Fall of the House of Usher?”
a. Haunted houses
b. Satanic rituals
c. Being buried alive
d. Deadly spiders
7. In what famed story does a couple use magic first to resurrect their dead son, and then send him away?
a. The Gold Bug
b. Sometimes They Come Back
c. The Monkey’s Paw
d. From Beyond
8. In which Stephen King story does the narrator gradually cut himself apart and eat himself?
a. Chattery Teeth
b. Survivor Type
c. Lunch at the Gotham Café
d. The Finger
9. What book is considered by many scholars to be the most bloodthirsty full-length book in English literature? It has never gone out of print.
a. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1886
b. Carrie, Stephen King, 1974
c. The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, 1971
d. Dracula, Bram Stoker, 1897
10. In Mary Shelley’s book of the same name, Frankenstein is a what?
a. Violent and terrifying monster
b. Swiss student
c. Village in the Alps
d. Hotel on Lake Geneva

answers backwards from 10-1: b,d,b,c,c,a,b,c,d,d

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